Is a headline I recently read from an article on finance (can't take the credit for that one)
And it's true if you think about it. Really you are just required to be able to generate the necessary amount of income needed to sustain your outgoings from your assets in order to retire. There's no reason that a certain income level needs to happen at a certain age.
There is no law of physics binding age and a certain amount of money.
It's just that it usually takes time to get there. And that frequently means we have to wait until a certain age. But this can actually happen at any time in principle. Easier said than done of course
In fact, it can happen much sooner with the correct planning.
It's helpful to see things framed from this perspective because then it gives us the initiative to realise we can seize this opportunity any time we like. It starts with understanding how money works.
In my view this is one of the most important things to prioritise in life – it's literally the one thing that will let you get back your time for all other pursuits
So the next time we think about retirement and the connotation of being old springs to mind in association with this – let's remember these terms are unrelated because “Retirement Isn't An Age; It's An Income Number”
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