And I don’t just mean some sort of long overdue friends/family intervention… 🤣
I mean we all quite literally need to get better at talking to each other. If there’s something out there that you really want to achieve in life, that’s amazing, it’s always good to aim high and have something to strive for. The cool part is that chances are that somebody has done it OR something very similar before. And as such, their wisdom can accelerate our own journey….
…but in order to find them, we all need to TALK more. You see us humans have a general low level fear of the unknown; we like certainty. And talking to others who we do not yet know is something that makes many feel slightly uncomfortable. Which is why it’s not always easy to do this. Once upon a time these beliefs served us because it encouraged us to stick to our own tribe. But nowadays in the modern world of abundance and collaboration, this same instinct can impede us. If we listen to this part of our brain excessively, then it can mean we aren’t tapping into one of the most valuable resources there is: human experience and wisdom.
There are people out there who have achieved phenomenal things in their fields. The majority of the time these people are super willing to help as well. You can spend loads of time searching for the answer and trying to figure it out or you can just ASK the right person. You literally get an answer that would normally take years/decades to find in an instant. And even if you don’t get ALL of the answer you need, you still get PART, which is more than you had before. It’s also usually an answer with as much specificity as possible to your given situation.
An additional huge added benefit is oftentimes the other person can see what you can’t see. On occasion, we can even ask the right questions about our own predicaments in terms of what to do next. Therefore, how can we ever hope to find the guidance we need without the input of others? An informed pair of eyes can tell you the answer straight away. There really is so much good stuff that happens whenever we all talk more.
Of course, I’ve just made it sound all so simple… there is no ONE singular guru who knows everything. The real secret is to ask multiple informed people for their opinions. One of the best ways to obtain context and therefore make better decisions. Another reason why it’s SO important to open doors, have conversations and talk I promise it’s one of the most worthwhile things you can do 🙏
– James
PS. the book “Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan is an awesome read on this topic – really worth picking it up
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