Who Is James?
July 14, 20234:27 pm
Who Is James?

Dentists Who Invest is a community is for Dentists who want to accelerate their journey towards financial freedom. ⁣⁣⁣This means that we have freedom of CHOICE in any given moment. Money can permit us to do this.


Choice to do as much (or as little) dentistry as we want. Either is cool.


My name is Dr. James Martin – I graduated from University of Leeds Dental School in 2016.

⁣⁣I managed to exit clinical dentistry a few years ago and ever since then I’ve been showing dentists how they can reduce their dependence on dentistry too.


This group is fundamentally about showing dentists how they can be happier in life.


Here’s some things Dentists Who Invest can help you achieve:⁣

  • Allow you to see the bigger picture when it comes to money.⁣
  • Empower you to make conscious decisions and have freedom of CHOICE regarding wealth.⁣
  • Show you how to earn more money day-to-day (if that’s important for you).⁣
  • ….and after these things have been achieved then most usually you’ll have a different perspective on things too (very cool).⁣

⁣⁣⁣Why was this group created?⁣

  1. A lot of dentists want to understand finance but don’t know how.⁣
  2. SOME dentists wish to be a little less reliant on clinical dentistry and want to understand how this is possible.
  3. Creating a hub where dentists can receive quality information was something important to me and close to my heart.⁣⁣⁣

I also think its definitely important to state the following:

⁣⁣I am not a Financial Advisor


Not only am I not a financial advisor – I wouldn’t even consider myself an expert on finance…⁣ far from it.

That’s what actual financial advisors are for (ask the advisors on this group). ⁣⁣Professional advice 1000% has a place in your financial plans. If you need professional advice then I can certainly recommend a good financial advisor, accountant, mortgage broker etc. ⁣⁣However, I see the fact I’m not a financier as a strength… ⁣⁣Because I’m a dentist I see things through the eyes of a DENTIST.


Because I immersed myself in the world of money and finance I know some things about that world too. ⁣⁣What really made things special were the myriad of interesting coaches I’ve had in my years on this earth. ⁣⁣A combination of all the above things gave me a unique perspective – a perspective that I believe needs to be shared. ⁣⁣(not for my own ego … mainly because it really helped me and I think it can help YOU too)


Check out the podcast and other content to get a flavour of what I mean on this... ⁣'Ive invested BIG in myself post dental school – its why I always preach that in my opinion the best investments are in KNOWLEDGE (a big part of this is also your mindset). ⁣⁣Knowledge is the best way to increase cashflow and EARN more.


You see earning more is not the be all and end all. ⁣⁣But we should be able to have permission to talk about it when it makes you HAPPIER and have more FREEDOM. ⁣⁣Our true purpose on this earth is to do less of the things that are a chore to us and more of the things we LOVE (see picture)

⁣⁣I don’t claim to be a financial expert. ⁣⁣But what I do claim to be is passionate about giving dentists happiness and seeing an alternative and more FUN perspective to life. ⁣⁣Professional advice is great… AND there’s also huge and meaningful scope for other information which is massively beneficial.

It's a combination of both that allows you to well and truly smash it.


Seen it a 1000x over. ⁣⁣That’s who I am and what this group is really about. ⁣⁣Please use it as the amazing resource it is intended to be.


Peace ✌️

Dr James Martin

*Not Financial Advice⁣⁣⁣
Disclaimer: All content on this channel is for education purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation or individual financial advice. For that, you should speak to a regulated, independent professional. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, so you may get back less than you invest. The views expressed on this channel may no longer be current. The information provided is not a personal recommendation for any particular investment. Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and all tax rules may change in the future. If you are unsure about the suitability of an investment, you should speak to a regulated, independent professional.
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