Well, the first thing to say is: it was never really about the money…
It was more about what the money could be exchanged for. You see money in and of itself is not the valuable thing. It's merely a convenient form of transaction for us to get the things that we want in life. More free time, more impact, enhanced ability to GIVE… these are all something money can help with
And that’s why we need to make it ok to talk about money. Because otherwise we’d never have as many opportunities to achieve these things.
Money is just a tool to buy back our freedom
A quote that I really like. When we have enough we can get back to spending our time of the things we REALLY want to spend it on. There’s a huge emphasis on the word enough here. It's so easy to just keep pursuing it endlessly. We’ve got to put a limit of it somewhere or the real goal gets forgotten about. Like most things in life, money is a total rabbit hole when it comes to understanding. However, for me it should be a priority… only because it is the quickest way to live a life on our own terms as much as possible.
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